21 October, 2024, CQLX Gracemere.
CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale
Just A Few Words
About the Sale
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our fourth annual CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale - to be conducted live at CQLX Gracemere and online with stocklive.
We are a group of dedicated Droughtmaster Breeders who have come together to offer you quality bulls with scale, suited to a diverse range of climatic conditions.
We offer bulls with that bit more Brahman content as well as the lower content bulls as well and it doesn’t matter whether you are chasing a top-quality Stud Sire, producing jap ox, the vealer off mum or anything in between we can provide the right bull for your requirements.
Our sale is conducted at CQLX Gracemere, annually around the middle of October. The bulls are fully vet checked and semen evaluated. Scanning, weights, and vaccinations are all available as well.
The team at Elders Stud Stock are our Marketing agents and you will see their contact details available under the contact link.
CQLX Gracemere
16 Saleyards Rd, Gracemere QLD
21st October, 2024
Monday, Starts 10am
Bull Walk
20th October, 2024
Sunday, Starts after lunch
Congratulations to the vendors for presenting our best yarding of bulls to date. The sale finished with an 81% clearance and a good solid average of $7744. These are the final results.
Thank you to all buyers, bidders and attendees. Thank you to our agents, Elders and a special thank you to our sponsors for your valued contribution.
Congratulations to Cebella and Yellowwood Droughtmasters on their $26,000 sale topping Sire, Yellowwood Upton (PP) purchased by Redskin Droughtmasters. They also had the 2nd top priced bull this year, Lot 3 Yellowwood Urle selling to Bill Neill-Ballentine for $16,000.
Thank you to our volume buyers, Blue Valley Cattle Company, eight bulls to average $5750, Fletchervale Pastoral, five to average $8400, Dale Sibson, four to average $8500 and CF & EP Jones purchased four to average $7250.
Purchaser Renee Rutherford, Redskin Droughtmasters, Randall Spann, Elders Stud Stock and John and Landon Williamson from Yellowwood Droughtmasters.
Lot 3 Yellowwood Urle 2nd top priced bull, selling to Bill Neill-Ballentine for $16,000.
The descriptions of the animals including their pedigree and other genetic information has not been verified by the CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale Committee, Vendors, or the Selling Agents, unless stated otherwise. Whilst all care is applied in producing the catalogue, industry experience suggests that up to 4-5% of DNA parent verification tests may have errors.
Consequently, the CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale Committee, Vendors or the Selling Agents and their representative(s) do not assume any responsibility whatsoever for the correctness, use or interpretation of the information on animals included in this sale catalogue. The CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale Committee, Vendors or the Selling Agents make no warranties about the animals in relation to disease, ailments, or genetic disorders.
Selling Agents

Michael Smith
Anthony Ball
Randall Spann
Mark Scholes
Vendors List
S & E Barrett
M. 0427 740 994Kenlogan Droughtmasters
A Harvey
M. 0427 835 196Cebella and Yellowwood Droughtmasters
J & S Williamson
M. 0422 218 951
Tara View Droughtmasters
J, E & C Scells
M. 0427 564 774Wetheron
J & D Garside
M. 0402 171 267Konjuli GJ
G & J Barrett
M. 0427 740 994
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Sale Coordinator
Nicole Mills - Sale Coordinator.
Nicole collaborates with all involved to plan, promote, and conduct the CQ Invitational Bull Sale. The focus is on providing quality both in the sale ring and with the marketing campaign in the lead up to the Sale.
Randall Spann - Stud Stock Agent, Elders Biloela.
Randall has been involved with Stud Cattle his entire life and is your dedicated contact for the sale should you like a presale inspection or any other information regarding the bulls catalogued.
If there is anything you feel we could do better, to improve the experiences for the Buyer, we are only too happy to assist.
Randall Spann - Stud Stock Agent
Mark Scholes - Stud Stock Agent
Keep up to date with information regarding CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale, or request a catalogue to be sent out to you. Please provide your mailing address below.